Stm32f103 external interrupt example arduino. Existing Arduino forums neither.
Stm32f103 external interrupt example arduino Are there The Arduino board also includes pins which can be used as external interrupt pins. Nucleo32-L432KC (ARM Cortex-M4 @ 80MHz) or (eBay) 2. Configuring Pin7 or PB2 as an Input pin to check for external interrupt on the falling edge (button pressed) and Pin5 or PB0 as Output pin which toggles a LED whenever there is an interrupt on Pin7 Thanks STM32 Programming With Arduino IDE. This section contains some basic UART examples, where you send data between two Arduino boards. 1 . gatsby-image-wrapper [data-placeholder-image]{opacity:0!important}</style> <iframe src I am activating both ext. Circuit by. e. This is the STM32 SPI using Arduino IDE Tutorial. The Simple FOC Shield, being a BLDC driver, can be used not just with boards with Arduino UNO headers but also as a stand alone driver board. 2: 1206: May 6, 2021 Home ; Using STM32 Timer Interrupt Calculator. Hello, I'm trying to use an STM32 (blue pill) with some other modules (including an external RTC). That is if the led in the 13 pin is on,then after getting the external interrupt 13 pin is off. There is no limit on the number of interrupt that can be defined. Hi I need ATtiny85 Interrupt code example. Inside the interrupt we need to check which interrupt is pending by reading the interrupt request pending register – EXTI_PR. 10: 3550: May 6, 2021 [SOLVED] Arduino Due interrupts: not working! Arduino Due. This gives near instant response and does not waste Learn to handle GPIO interrupts on the STM32 bluepill with HAL library and System Workbench. Remixed 2,314 times . This STM32 Timer Calculator online tool that we’ve built will help you find the optimal prescaler (PSC) and auto-reload (ARR) register values to generate your desired timer interrupt intervals with a How can the STM32F103C8 be configured to run with internal RC oscillator / HSI & PLL, i. The con STM32 External Interrupt Example. EXTI (External interrupt/event controller) manages 20 interrupt/event lines of the controller. If you don't do this, the chip will lock up because it is continuously entering the interrupt handler. STM32F1xx series are ARM Cortex M3 based MCUs. First, this is wrong in your code: attachInterrupt(rtcTimerIntPin, rtc_interrupt, RISING); You need an interrupt number, not a pin number. You need to re-write this interrupt vector again in your project (your current sketch) and add some custom code inside. Not exactly. Blue Pill STM32-F103 (ARM Cortex-M3 @ 72MHz) or (eBay) 3. The reason why I'm going straight at the registers and not using the Arduino language is that the next step is going to be to use a timer 1 overflow interrupt, which is not <style>. 2. 8. But to get the most out of it, you should develop software using the development kit The first parameter to attachInterrupt() is an interrupt number. STM32 Arduino. Init. Hi! I created a small example on how to use interrupts with Arduino, find it here: http://gonium. gatsby-image-wrapper [data-placeholder-image]{opacity:0!important}</style> <iframe src I had it set up in a loop but because it can currently only process one thing at a time, it would sit there flashing forever. How can I add an external interrupt to wake the Arduino up from sleep? Below is the original code from the website as well as some In this tutorial, we’ll discuss Arduino External Interrupt Pins from the fundamental concepts all the way to implementing interrupt-based systems. For example on STM32F1xx EXTI0_IRQHandler is the shared external interrupt assigned to bit zero of GPIO ports. 1 int. The example code included on the next page is quite stable and as such wont need the watchdog for about a month or more (the time it takes for “millis()” to overflow). The function to use, if you have access to the Arduino library, is attachInterrupt. The STM32 EXTI example program shows how to configure and use the external interrupts of STMicroelectronics STM32F103xx microcontroller. and since STM32 architecture are totally different I found my self lost here , I found few documents explain STM32F1 implementation of arduino code e. . The most important feature is they're ISR The Arduino programming language Reference, [External Interrupts] Normally you should use digitalPinToInterrupt(pin) to translate the actual digital pin to the specific interrupt number. I use the latest STM32 Core and the Stm32 LowPower library. I am using the PA15 pin of STM32F103 to interrupt at falling edge Any help will be deeply appreciated. If INT1 is triggered, it will simply return to the reset vector, which is the basic behaviour. This question seams to be simple but it is not. We also need an interrupt service routine more commonly known as ISR function to tell the MCU what to do during interrupt. g. It can be programmed even from Arduino IDE with an additional boards package. B:In the interrupt function delay() and millis() does not work. The idea is to make the stm go into deepsleep and wake it up once every day to do its business. Google does not know how. 1 (released on Nov, 5) C STM32 UART Introduction. println("Watchdog Interrupt - Restarting"); // you can include any I've converted an example from STM32F1Cube to Arduino sketch using the STM32 Core. We’ll start off by discussing what are interrupts, how they work, and what are different types of The bluepill is a cheap STM32F103 development board. STM32 Arduino Programming. Existing Arduino forums neither. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) communication protocol with STM32 microcontrollers using the Arduino framework. Hello I have a debouncing problem. The Arduino UNO has 2 external interrupt pins. /* Set into analog watchdog interrupt callback */ /** @brief This function handles ADC interrupt request. But I need help finding a way to stop this "timer" in the falling edge, because it doesn't stop and after some short presses it STM32 external interrupt controller (deep-sleep wake-up) Each IO of STM32 can be used as an external interrupt input. In all of these videos button Different types of Arduino board have different numbers of interrupts pins e. 0). But,you can only use delayMicroseconds(). John41234 September 26, 2021, the example codes that i have looked into aduinos example codes it dont use the interrupt and reset pins Sounds like a task for watchdog thinking. Because this is a video application, each execution need to be very consistent, or flicker will occur between Button S2 (pin PA0) and button S3 (pin PC13) are configured to generate an external interrupt. The Arduino will stop its Summary: I've configured a GPIO as an interrupt. The digitalPinToInterrupt() function takes a pin as an argument, and returns the same pin if it can be used as an interrupt. g this maple doc explain the For instance, the Arduino Mega (4 Serial Ports) needs four serial interrupt vectors: SIG_USART0_RECV, SIG_USART1_RECV, SIG_USART2_RECV and SIG_USART3_RECV. ) for example: attachInterrupt(9, myfunction, RISING); // RISING edge on pin 9 => calls myfunction. gatsby-image-wrapper noscript [data-main-image]{opacity:1!important}. On internet there are many videos to offer solution to this issue, but non of them for external interrupt. October 1, 2014: Added external interrupts library. I am trying to implement an Interrupt example using ATtiny85 chip. It can be programmed even from Arduino IDE with an additional boards In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the ARM cortex interrupts/exceptions, and how priority works. But my problem is how to register an interrupt vector or pointer from an interrupt event generated by the timer, in my case F1 TIM! or TIM2. This is correct: attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (rtcTimerIntPin), rtc_interrupt, CHANGE); I also made it a CHANGE interrupt so you get both the rising and falling pulse. ST-Link v2 Debugger or (eBay) ★ Check The Full Course Complete Kit List Some See more Here in this tutorial we will use a push button as external interrupt, to understand the Interrupts in STM32F103C8 STM32 microcontroller board. In this tutorial, we will focus on The aim of this series is to provide easy and practical examples that anyone can understand. illustration of the use of interruption in arduino. 14 15 For example, 'interrupt=scanIQ();'. Connects to PC over USB and displays the captured screen on Hi, French newbie here. Stm32 Bluepill using the Arduino SimpleFOCShield. Enable the SYSCFG/AFIO bit in RCC register . STM32 programming with Arduino C++ is a less conservative way of programming STM32 microcontrollers. In the external interrupt handler: Hello, I am using Stm32f103c8t6 with Offical core with HID bootloader. GPIO as Interrupt Interrupt lines I will show now how . External signal (signal generator for example) should be connected to D2. Since we are developing the STM32 Blue Pill Applications using Arduino IDE, we can use the same syntax to configure external interrupts on STM32F103C8T6. Are you sure you want to remove this image? No Yes . Cheers for all the help! Nick Using Arduino. 0 int. These boards are very cheap compared to the official Arduino board, and the hardware is open source. It is not wrong to use millis() or micros() within an interrupt routine. The millis overflow is irrelevant. without external crystal oscillator (as present on the "blue pill" board) with the Arduino Skip to main content Is there a way to launch an external interrupt on INT0 (pin D2 on Arduino) from the DS1307 at a specified interval ranging from 1s to a a few minutes (most importantly 1 minute)? I don't have any free timers or their pins are occupied. Example code to listen for an interrupt (derived from the documentation I linked to, I added comments to help explain): khoih-prog I will always take a look at your advices. i know how to use uart and how to get or send smt but i don't know how to do it in an ISR. I develop my own SAM3X8E based card with the arduino IDE, no issues with hardware. 13, on MacOS Mojave (10. Just like any other microcontroller, STM8s series also provide the external interrupt functionality out of the box. I have also seen the attachInterrupt() article from arduino but as i understand it, it can only interrupt from a pin changing state (external interrupt). Configure the EXTI configuration Register in the SYSCFG/AFIO. The bluepill is a cheap STM32F103 development board. However, just like the timer interrupts, you don’t need to keep polling the GPIO pins for a change. I onky found some for using the pin change interrupt request (PCINT0) which i can not adapt to my issue for any reason. hello together, i searched the forum for any possible solutions or hints for my problem, but i could not really find one. The block of code which is written to process by an interrupt occurrence is called an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). STM32f103 + l3gd20h (arduino) Using Arduino. Enjoy. By pressing buttons S2 or S3 the LED PB8 toggles. And now I can see why my original code didn't work - the code was basically fine but INT0 and INT1 are not connected to digital pins 2 and 3 on the Arduino Mega (they are on the Uno). //Mega2560 // external interrupt int. In this example project, we’ll create an STM32 ambient temperature measurement application using the internal temperature sensor. What I want is that a command like Serial. How interrupts are generated and how the CPU switches the context to the ISR and back to the main application. 1. 7: 4231: May 6, 2021 AttachInterrupt() help. First interrupt section is for external pins (P0 to P15) on each port, and other section is for other events, like RTC interrupt, Ethernet interrupt, USB interrupt and so on. 9. For example, when a button is pushed or you receive a pulse from a rotary encoder. net/md/2006/12/20/handling-external-interrupts-with-arduino/ It shows This example shows how to configure HardwareTimer in inputcapture to measure external signal frequency. Author. I even checked my code with the original source code On this page. We’ll start off by discussing what are interrupts, and how they work. Coming from a low-level embedded-C programming perspective, you may feel your application a bit more bloated than usual but it’s way better compared to something like MicroPython for instance. We're going to implement a simple example of 1 // 2 // 3 // This example and code is in the public domain and may be used without restriction and 4 // without warranty. The Cortex M3 based MCUs have a sophisticated and yet easy to use We need to configure the External Interrupt and to do so, the steps are shown below. See the User Guide for full background and instructions in its use / 0. Configuring Arduino IDE to Program STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill. arduino interruption example. N. They are mostly used for timekeeping or performing repetitive tasks. Hi all , I tried before to run DAC on ATtiny85 after I found code that uses timer/interrupter to generate PWM signal similar to PCM to have 8bit/8khz sound output from M-C . 16 Results of this call will be: 17 1. 3 int. It is really simple I use the rising and the falling edge, and then calculate the time spent between the two ISRs. 5. But for starters I want to get this IRQ handled and I am already having troubles with that. To set it up, connect the TX with RX pins on both boards, following the circuit below: Connecting two Arduino boards via UART. Select NUCLEO-L476RG using the Board Selector as shown in the figure below: Save the project; 2. I am using the datasheet as reference and some posts on avrfreaks and this forum. This is the only way the peripheral knows that the interrupt has been handled. A tiny external monitor for PC using STM32 and ST7789. attachInterrupt doesn't work in this case, I Both of them can wake only on CHANGE or LOWLEVEL interrupt from the external interrupt pins, or from a PCINT. Did you know, There are more than Two external interrupts on an Uno! Using External Interrupt is one of the key feature of any microcontroller. Arduino use it in millis() to keep track of milliseconds, video controllers use it to generate frame sync pulses, and operating systems use it for task switching to give the illusion of multitasking. Configure GPIO. I have a switch which is configured as an external input interrupt However the code within the ISR subroutine may run several times over due to the noisy switch, with only one operation of the switch. Are you sure you want to set this as default image? No Yes . I can't seem to figure out how to do this when using an unmapped pin. 2 int. It now enables you to use up to 16 different ISR-based timers, while actually consuming only 1 Hardware Timer. 3. For example, there is a Touch Interrupt which happens when touch is detected and a GPIO interrupt when a key is pressed down. Each time a rising edge is detected on the input pin, hardware will save counter value into CaptureCompare register. The main thing here is that while you are in an interrupt routine "the clock isn't ticking". Ultimately I want to wake up the MCU from deep sleep with this interrupt. Interrupt example. Each STM32F4 device has 23 external interrupt or event sources. I am trying to setup an external interrupt in SAMD21 board. So whenever a rising edge found on the external interrupt pin, this would cause the interrupt to fire. 4 int. This is accomplished with the “attachInterrupt ()” function, To get rid of these issues, we’ll need to use external interrupts – a vital feature in every common microcontroller. h> meCAN1 can1; #define LED PC13 // QFP64 socket PCB HardwareSerial Serial1(PA10, Arduino External Interrupt Processing. Unlike timer interrupts, external interrupts are triggered by external events. We will be using the external interrupt circuit that has been covered in a previous blog Arduino External Interrupts. I can see from all of the registers that it appears to be triggering, but my interrupt routine is never called. To implement an CMSIS interrupt handler, all you need do is: Implement the interrupt handler function using the CMSIS handler function name; Enable the interrupt in the NVIC (interrupt controller). I am sure you already have Arduino IDE installed on your PC (or Laptop). Is it possible to make use of UART communication in DMA without disturbing the Loop function which will be running in CPU or Flash Memory? If so, How can I achieve it? Any examples would be really helpful. They are split into 2 sections. Project Guidance. read() get the data from USB. The interrupt vector is like any other function. Normally you should use digitalPinToInterrupt(pin) to translate the actual digital pin to the specific interrupt number. But the controlles doesn´t awake, An external interrupt or a ‘hardware interrupt’ is caused by the external hardware module. If not, then install it first. ExternalTrigConv = ADC_SOFTWARE_START; i want to for example blink an led every time it comes. Arduino IDE knows how to attachInterrupts() to a GPIO port but there is no interface for other peripherals like TIMERS and ADC's. The interrupt is a method to divert the Arduino from current block code execution to do another block of codes that needs immediate processing. i would please if you Hello, I found this web page, Using the watchdog for both preventing failures and energy savings . To generate a periodic interrupt every 50ms, we need to set the timer’s prescaler value and the alarm register’s value (TimerTicks) as well. 5 // Hi, I'm trying to use external interrupts on the Arduino Due but can't seem to get it working. Sensors. STM32_TimerInterrupt Library How To Install Using Arduino Library Manager This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32-based board. my module sends some codes one of them is "+EVT" i am using STM32 pin A9 A10 which is uart1 for this and i want to use interrupt on it. 6) and the stm32duino (STM Cores 1. Arduino UNO have two interrupt ports and Arduino Mega2560 have six interrupt ports named as INT1,INT0. On the software side create sleep mode for Arduino and use a timer base interrupts which would internally be essentially triggering awakening function and not relay on any external hardware. For example, digitalPinToInterrupt(4) on an Arduino UNO will not work, Dear readers I program STM32F103 based on a Arduino IDE and use MS studio as an editor. 1 // 2 // 3 // This example and code is in the public domain and may be used without restriction and 4 // without warranty. #include <meCAN. An external interrupt or a ‘hardware interrupt’ is caused by the external hardware module. If it does go to the reset vector this will (among other things) cause the original status of the LEDs to be restored. 3. RX/TX Pin Examples. In addition to the microcontroller, the board can accommodate two crystal oscillators — one 8MHz crystal and one 32KHz crystal — that can be used to drive an internal RTC (real-time clock). In this tutorial, I was curious about delay and accuracy when using external hardware interrupts on INT0 and INT1 pins 2 and 3. Measured frequency is displayed on Serial Monitor. Using the STM32F103C8 One timer - Trigger - every 10microseconds second timer - Trigger - every 100microseconds when I create two timer interrupt with above condition, problem one timer interrupt function is disturbing other timer interrupt. Can Example for Arduino Core STM32. We’ll create a couple of Arduino External Interrupt Example Projects in this tutorial to practice what we’ll learn all the way through. I am working on Visual Studio Code IDE using Microsoft Arduino Extension. Skip to content. As I'm coming from using Arduino's I'm starting off by using Arduino IDE 1. I am trying to use the USB port of STM32F103C8T6 as it is a Serial port but I did not have any success until know. aitbenhaanass. 3v pin on interrupt pin for a small example, but it doesn't work!!! MorganS July 18, 2015, On the Uno and many other Arduino variants, interrupt 0 is Arduino pin 2. All of the sample interrupt code I have looked at so far ignore the fact that the ISR is being called more than once. ASD_uchiwa May 2, 2017, #include <SPI. And everything you need Since we are using the Arduino IDE to create STM32 Blue Pill Applications, we can configure external interrupts on the STM32F103C8T6 using the same syntax. This function would help to count the every revolution counting veriable whenever one revolution completes or in other words, whenever the interrupt occurs. Hello! I wish to perform count of passes trough a Sharp IS471FE IR tranceiver (modulated, filtered and pretty much noise proof) via an Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32u4) INT0 external interrupt. Please share an example code. I want connect 3. Set as cover image . I have also tryied attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PA15), touched, FALLING) but it does not work too. ints, but that doesn't really matter. millis() and micros() won't change (well, micros() will initially, but once it goes past that magic millisecond point where a millisecond tick is required it all falls apart. STM32 External Interrupt Example LAB. 5 // 6 // Exmple sketch - Button Switch Using An External Interrupt 7 // ''''' 8 // This sketch demonstrates the use of a simple button switch which is processed by 9 // an external interrupt process. Maybe because of my own ignorance on this new core, my testing was STM32CubeMX Button Debounce With Interrupt: Hi, in this tutorial I will try to give my simple solution to prevent button bounce which is very serious issue. Navigation Menu External crystals Plenty of meCAN Examples. (Yes, you can setup a different interrupt function for each pin) attachInterrupt() will be available again with Arduino IDE 1. I think this code should be useful for my application as I wanted a low power setup as well as some protection against code failures. The documentation says that you can do an external interrupt with any pin. In MikroC for ARM compiler this process is simply done with just two lines of code. Each interrupt/event line corresponds to an edge detector, which can detect the rising edge and falling edge of the input signal. 14. UMK4x4 - 4-16 in/out and 3-15 IN/3OUT USB MIDI interface for STM32F103 series board. The t85 has only one external interrupt pin (PB2) but other than that they have the same constraints: If you're in power down sleep mode (the only one that really matters on classic AVR), there's no I/O clock. CAN (Dual) bus Arduino library for stm32F042, stm32F103, stm32F105, stm32F107, stm32L4, stm32F4 - mackelec/meCAN. This is done by a special function called “attachInterrupt ()” External Interrupt With external interrupts, instead of reading the pin manually at each loop(and wasting CPU time), an ISR(interrupt service routine) is executed when pin state changes. STM32 Internal Temperature Sensor Example Overview. I know I can do the 1s interval with the 1Hz SQ output, but launching an interrupt every second and counting to 60s so that some code is ESP32 Timer Interrupt – Arduino Code Example. 11: 26413: Overview In the second entry of this "Sleeping Arduino" series, we will be covering how to wake the Arduino via an external interrupt. h> #include <STM32LowPower. The minimum relevant code example is as follows #include <Wire. All the example code/LABs/projects in the course are going to be done using those boards below. TLDR; adapting interrupts from Arduino to STM32duino. Arduino External Interrupt Processing. This example allows you to send messages (strings) back and forth between Hello, As I learned that millis() doesn't increment inside an ISR, I figured out a way to detect short/long press with attachInterrupt. I am thinking So I have a code that wakes the ESP32 up on button push : /* Deep Sleep with External Wake Up Push Button to GPIO 33 pulled down with a 10K Ohm resistor GND --- 10k --- BP --- VCC | ---- Pin 33 Only RTC IO can be used as a source for external wake source. Arduino Due External Interrupts. UART is sold/shipped as a standalone integrated circuit (IC) or I started out using the Uno and I was able to get an interrupt working from a rotary library I found online but when I moved the project to the Mega It is easier to use than the example code you provide. there was no way to interrupt it and break it out of the loop. I have done a lot of research without finding a solution that works. i want to use the interrupt from Pin 7, if the input goes to low to wake up the controller. For example, if you connect to pin 3, use digitalPinToInterrupt(3) as the first parameter to attachInterrupt(). The watchdog will never fire in the example code. i want to use serial interrupt for it. I already tested your library, but it was slow for my purposes and need to have some more control. Please be sure to get the basic external interrupt example working before attempting to follow this entry, this will prove A hardware interrupt on the Arduino occurs when one of the interrupt pins receives a change of state. If you are coming with any other STM32F103 - ARM Cortex M3 External Interrupt Assembly ExampleGiải thích quá trình sinh yêu cầu ngắt ngoài, tiếp nhận và thực thi ngắt. I could think of an external retrigger able flip flopp that would activate reset if the F F is not kicked in time. /* Trig of conversion start done by external event */ #else AdcHandle. ISR(WDT_vect) {Serial. Therefore, we need to recall the ESP32 Timer’s equation. Timers' interval is very long (ulong millisecs). Disable the EXTI Mask using In this tutorial, we’ll discuss Arduino Interrupts from the very basic concepts all the way to implementing Arduino interrupt-based systems. For example, there is a Touch Interrupt which happens when touch is detected, and a GPIO interrupt when a key is pressed down. It is wrong to use them incorrectly. Arduino Due. print("") send the data to USB and Serial. countRevs(): Increments revCount on each interrupt. Here is an example how to connect Stm32 I am trying with regular way such attachInterrupt(PA15, touched, FALLING) but it does not work. The Arduino programming language Reference, [External Interrupts] Description. h> For example, if you enable the "timer update" interrupt via the UIE bit, you will need to then clear the corresponding UIF bit in the status register. Hi, I am doing tests with an ESP8266-12F and I want to implement an external interrupt through the GPIO14, when pressing the button you can see that there is noise and I have tried to add a debounce with a delay in the interrupt routine, it has improved but I still have some jumps Can someone tell me what is the best method to implement a debounce with an <style>. The task is, toggle LED on pin 13. dtparam=spi=on dtoverlay=mcp2515-can0,oscillator=16000000,interrupt=25 dtoverlay=spi-bcm2835-overlay Make sure the device is ready after reboot. Delete image . 0. I think I'm going to move to the PlatformIO environment, but one thing at a time. Simulate. I'd like to trigger an interrupt when this happens (I know that this isn't the best way to handle a Aim to do: We will initialized our aruino to sense the external interrupt in digital pin 2. Here I used the Hardware timer library from Arduino_STM32 core library For Hardware details, please refer this post link cc: Interrupt vs pin number. Encoder; SimpleFOCShield connection; Motor; Example connection; Stm32 Bluepill using the Arduino Simple FOC Shield. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter or UART for short represents the hardware circuitry (module) being used for serial communication. After than open your Arduino IDE and select File -> Arduino Interrupt: Find out Exactly how to use INT0 and INT1 - learn all about these interrupts and how to use them, including example code. Microcontrollers. $ dmesg And I used a external resistance of We’ll see how to configure the external interrupt pins using the CubeMX software tool in the next tutorial which is going to be a practical LAB for the external interrupts. I need to respond to an external shutter signal generated by a digital camera to turn LED lamps on and off concurrently with the generated signal. The predefined handler function used in HAL like ADC1_IRQHandler being part of the HAL libraries are not supported under the Arduino IDE Periodic interrupts is one of the most common use case for timers. h> // Include Arduino SPI library #define CTRL1 0x20 #define OUT_X_L 0x28 #define OUT_X_H 0x29 External interrupt on pin 3 does't work as it should. We’ll set the sampling rate for the temperature sensor to 50Hz (get 1 reading every 20ms) using a timer as a trigger source for the ADC channels. Through this external interrupt we want to complete a task. Details: I'm using a Nucleo F446 board, and the documentation specifies that PC13 should be the input for the push button. But in order to do so I had to change the input pins from 2 and 3 to (for example) 14 and 15 as PCINTx is not available on 2 and 3 on the Arduino Mega 2560 AFAIK. What is an external interrupt/event controller (EXTI) The EXTI This example uses the NUCLEO-L476RG board. an interrupt has been obtained from the IQ. Transmit / Receive Messages. aiowmwcyvkoupqbzlopthrgzwdjgpidavicdiinvkskobeuwstb